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Reinstall Your Functions

Is there a universal set of functions everyone gets at creation? Are there functions I haven't yet had - in this lifetime? Can I install function? Are there functions that I don't even know exist? How many? Can I discover them on my own using immunics? testing hand

What happens when the world gets wind of this?

Do many aspects of my normal function concern sex? Obtaining money? Creating lasting and loving relationships? Giving? Receiving? Are there things I can count on to knock out my functions? If yes, can I learn to counter them before they begin? testing hand
Is function beyond immunity - that is, do I have a great many functions that must operate independently of my immune system? testing hand
Does functioning make me happy? When I function effectively, is other people's happiness a by-product? testing hand


Skill  8

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For anything you want to achieve, there is a function system you must optimize.
  Your audio talks for this application are:

Assessment class on particle attributes

Running time:  27 min.


We live in a century...


Commentaries on
Reinstall Your Functions

The angel has a scale for a reason


To evaluate
this Skill


Skill 8: Reinstall Your Functions - lesson overview page

    Test the following statements:


Play for love. Choose in the direction of love.

- Barb Retson


Now just test these questions:

Do I have any missing functions?

Are some of them ones that I don't know exist?

Will reinstalling missing functions make any difference in my ability to accomplish missions?

And then, if you wish, use the answer as a prompt to make up more questions for your own inquiry about this topic.

If you get answers that seem strange...

Also ask: Am I now operating from perceptions that are beyond the usual five senses?


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Copyright © 1996 World Harmonic Unified Ministers
Revised 02/23/11