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  “First you cure it, then you cure it.” - Angela Cures Cancer

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Immunic Action 4:  Find that pathology in one individual body. 

Now go to your list of bodies.

Test down the list body by body, one at a time -- not just running your finger down the list but actually testing for each body by asking:

testing handDo I have any fungus in my (celestial) body?  

If you get a signal, stop. Don't go on to the next body until you do the next action --

"Do I have any my ..."

Immunic Action 5:  Remove the pathology from that individual body.

testing handI'm now removing (fungus) from my (celestial) body.

Remove it before going on to the next body.  After you remove it, look for a change in the way you feel, think, are. Notice what it's like to now have that body be free of that pathology.   This may tell you something about the body, or, better yet, enable you to feel the body.

Confirm by testing:

testing handMy (celestial) body is free of all traces of (fungus).

If you don't get a signal on that, remove the pathology again until you do. Then go on to --

Repeat Actions 3 & 4 with each body you find that pathology in, one body at a time.

Continue testing through the list of bodies for the presence of that pathology, and then removing it from each body as soon as you find it there.

When you've gone through all the rest of the bodies and removed the pathology wherever you found it, confirm by saying:  

So Immunic Action 5 is actually a repeat of Actions 3 and 4 with the rest of the bodies, ttill you have completely removed that pathology from all the bodies you found it in, and you confirm it by testing:

testing handAll my bodies are free of (fungus).

If you don't get a signal, go back and scan your bodies to find out where the pathology has returned, or wasn't removed completely, and remove it again.  Before long you should get a signal that all of your bodies are now free of that pathology.

You will have to do this all day for a while.  You may find that if you check ten minutes later, pathologies have returned.

You will have to keep going indefinitely – way past your negative medical test – to make sure the disease is actually completely gone. A negative medical test does not necessarily mean that the disease is gone. It only means that the doctor can’t pick it up in a test.

Immunic Action 6: Remove all the other pathologies you find in all the bodies you find them in, one by one.

Again, go back to list of pathologies.

"The other pathologies..."

Find another pathology and repeat Actions 3 & 4 with this new pathology you tested you have. Do this with several pathologies -- find out which ones you have, and remove each one from the individual bodies one at a time. .

As you do this, you're supposed to get a good feeling, a change of some kind. You're supposed to feel different within a minute or two of removal. This is another signal, and a very important one - more important than the finger movement.

The least important, lightest, and easiest things to remove TEND TO PRESENT THEMSELVES FIRST and come out first -- or sometimes the first things to come out are just the most immediately life-threatening. Things that are immediately life-threatening can still be unimportant, or not so important, for the long term. In the middle of this you can feel better than you've ever felt in your life, so it is NATURAL to ASSUME YOURSELF "CURED" in every dimension -- physical, emotional, and spiritual. Enjoy it, but don't believe it.

You have to cure many things to cure one thing. FIRST YOU CURE IT, THEN YOU CURE IT. Curing your disease consists of simple and easy immunic actions done one at a time. These will have a cumulative effect -- as long as you're not expecting any one, or any few of them, to do the whole job. 

You need a real willingness to work.  Thomas Edison said genius is 1% inspiration, 99% perspiration.  And we say cure is 1% inspiration, 99% perspiration.

Action 7:  Remove your disease

Now you’re going to remove your disease or condition using the same steps you used above.  So now, do with your disease exactly what you did with the first pathology you found – first remove it from all the bodies at once, then get specific by finding which bodies it is in, and remove it from each body as you find it.  

   "Now removing cancer..."

After doing that, again, notice a change, a good feeling, a difference.

Let’s use CANCER. First, repeat Action 4:

testing hand I’m now removing cancer from all my bodies.

Do this with all the bodies, removing cancer as you find it When you get a signal, confirm by saying:

testing hand All my bodies are free of cancer.

First you cure it, then you cure it, right?   Now you're going to get precise. 

Repeat Action 5, testing through the bodies one by one, looking for any trace of cancer (or whatever disease you want to cure) you can find, and removing it as soon as you find it. 

testing hand Is there any cancer in my celestial body? Gravitational body? Etheric body? And so on, down through the entire list of bodies,

    "Is there any cancer in my ..."

Now you know what we mean when we say -- WORK FROM THE GENERAL TO THE SPECIFIC.

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Revised 02/24/11
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