You have to cure many things to cure
one thing |

"I get to do it better."

"I also use
it to check people's intentions ..." |

"We often discover the symptom
when it's gone."
10:02 |

You help someone
by asking for his help |

Cancer cure goes deeper

"I gave a bunch away, someone
gave $20." |

How to ask for money
_____________________ |

Desirable realities / undesirable
connections |

"You have driven the enemy from
the field." |

Barb coaches Debra, who is
brand-new |

"I'll cure this for you." - Lyme
disease |

"Think of it as SexDrive"

"The CureDrive is weekly
meetings." |

Can you coach your mother? |

You can instantly
lighten up! |

How to treat yourself right when
assisting |
_____________________ |

Cancer - "Can I save you?" -
Barb |

The Immuners Exorcism: 1 - Ghosts -
Nel, Monique |

End Addictions: Lies, thoughts,
subversions |

End addictions: Is addiction the same
as |

Coach: Humility, assignments and rules |

Coaches Orders: Accept only
empowerment |

Lesson illustration: The Accelerator - Greg |

How people who try to get a signal and
can't |

How people who try to get a signal
finally do |
____________________ |

Kit includes 3-month Colleagueship (access to the entire
Cure College - audio lectures, CureShows,
video lessons, text lessons), CD - Becoming an
Immuner, both eBooks, 7 cure stickers
______________________________ |
Access to entire Cure College - audio lectures, CureShows, video lessons, text
If you need financial aid for tuition only,
write to Greg Morkovin
requesting the application questionnaire |