Are you having technical
Are you are having difficulty playing the audios or
videos? We have begun changing the format of all the audios and videos from a
mixture of formats including RealMedia to mp3 or Youtube and Flash technology. Some of the
media are not going to play until all are completed. If you are having difficulty, please
email fran@wayimmune.org with the specific page
and media link of the one you want checked. If you have any further questions, please feel
free to ask.
Are you having difficulties submitting the donation
page? If you have difficulty, it may be due to the presence of a firewall or high
security that prevents our cgi scripts from operating. Lower your firewall or security and
resubmit. Also be sure to fill in every blank on the form. We have written a page with support that may answer some of your
- Have you lost your password or is your password not working? Please
write to greg@wayimmune.org.
Have you found an obvious mistake, problem, typo,
or broken link in one of our lessons? Contact keely@wayimmune.org or fran@wayimmune.org.
Tip: Click
on the "refresh" key when you first load a page, simply
because we are updating these pages so regularly.