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End Trauma from This and Other Lives

Am I in trauma from this or other lifetimes? Do I have over 10,000 active trauma? Over 100,000?

Has this interfered with my sexuality, and my ability to love? Is it necessary to "relive" a trauma in order to remove its negative effects? testing hand

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What happens when the world gets wind of this?

Is it best for me to start by removing trauma from this life? Other lives? Can I lose chunks of my trauma load by exercising other skills, such as removing non-physical pathologies or repartnering with my organs? Do I need to address any of my trauma directly, or can I simply exercise other skills? testing hand

Do traumas ever throw my organs out? Does this lead to emotional dysfunction? Disease?

Is it good for me to understand how trauma works, even if I remove my trauma only by exercising other skills?  testing hand


Skill 1
Your third application


If the incident is not over, removing the trauma can end it, or will help you end it.
  Your audio talks for this application are:

Everything you always wanted to know about yourself but were afraid to ask . . .

Running time: 37 min.

Cancel your health insurance: The complex disease talk

Running time: 1hr. 23 min.


We live in a century...


Commentaries on
End Trauma


To evaluate
this application


Skill 1, Application 3:  End Trauma from This and Past Lives - lesson overview page

    Test the following statements:


(From a talk at the Philadelphia Harmonic clinic, March 24, 1994:)

Trauma happens to everybody every day. And the method for taking it out is  the same, whether it happened five minutes ago or five hundred years ago.

You can completely remove a nasty trauma in under two minutes, once you assimilate the knack.

Test that statement I just made.test indicator Is that true?

Now, do you know how to remove a trauma on the spot? Want to learn how right now?

OK, I'm going to show you how to do it right now.astbl.gif (1219 bytes) But before I show you, there's one more thing I want to say. This is obvious, and it should go without saying, but I think it's important enough to specifically point out.

What I've just talked about here means that everyone in the world is walking around in continuous trauma, doesn't it?

Right. Well, I guess that explains why there's so much litter.

- Bayard

astbl.gif (1219 bytes)The lessons Bayard was referring to when he gave this talk are in this application of Skill 1.

Ecstasy comes easier  - more of a natural state.  I default to ecstasy now more than  before, regardless of my circumstances or dimension.

For me, this is an important outcome. Because although I may still question myself, my partners, and even the signals I get at times, I've regained my natural skill to clear myself and change my state at will, continuously.

Doing that, to whatever extent I do, has enabled me to know ecstasy again,  to enjoy and to  produce.

- Barb Retson

Other churches save your soul. And we save that, too, but first we save you physically. Well, God does. We don't really save anybody. We just show you how to get the information God's been trying to give you.

Most people who start with us aren't interested in getting into a religion. The "conversion" process begins when you notice that immunics is saving your life. This gets people interested in God.

- Bayard

Do the above quotes seem disjointed or irrelevant to you?

Now just ask test indicator this one question:

Can a "minor" current trauma cause a negative effect in me that lasts longer than one day?

  • one week?
  • one month?
  • one year?

And then, if you wish, use the answer as a prompt to make up more questions for your own inquiry about this topic.

If you get answers that seem strange...

Also ask: Am I now operating from perceptions that are beyond the usual five senses?


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Revised 05/28/11