One of our driving ideas is that you'll want
to do something more advanced if what we give you on this level works
So whatever Skill you're doing, if you
find something that makes a difference for you, you'll want to try something higher.
The more radical the difference, the more you'll reach.
The reason people send us a $300 empowerment donation
after teaching themselves is because it hit them like a ton of bricks.
This is the way it was for us
And this is probably so for every one of us. If something works for us, we want more.
So we've tried to make starting this simple, easy.
Sometimes when we can't get something to work we come back to it later. If, that is, we
don't rule out the possibility that later, when we've had a chance to regroup and create a
new mind-set, it may work for us. For example, I got this in a letter from someone I
taught this to a long time ago.
. . . When I was coming down with that flu, all of the sudden I remembered and
thought I'd try it. And guess what? I blocked the flu. Even though I felt good when you
taught me to block my herpes, I never really believed that I would stop the herpes. And
though I had to admit that I had effected the herpes - well, that is when you and I were
talking on the phone - even so, I never really believed it. Even though I told you I had,
I didn't believe I'd affected it at all.
What I said to you was true. My symptoms were completely different. The outbreaks
were smaller, milder and shorter. It's not that I lied to you about that, but when I said
I knew that I had caused them to change in that way I was at least partially lying because
I didn't believe it - not really. Anyway though, I got this flu and decided to block it
and I did.
I also had the choice to disbelieve that, because maybe I wasn't really coming down
with the flu, I can't know for sure. I had all the symptoms of the beginning flu, took no
vitamin C, at least not for a few hours after it was gone. I totally stopped all the
symptoms which were basically an infection in my throat and physical weakness. I don't
even know that it was a virus, for all I know it was a bacteria. Anyway it was completely
gone. To me it was really a miracle though because I had very strong physical sensations
in my throat and muscle weakness like I get when I'm getting a flu.
After that I started working on my herpes again. I hadn't had an outbreak for
awhile. And at this writing I still haven't had an outbreak. I don't know if I've ended my
herpes, but I test that I have. And you know what? Now I believe that I have. So I don't
know whether I'll get another outbreak, I'll keep you posted. I feel great inside myself
though, I feel a real happiness. Maybe being happy is what it's really all about. The
outbreaks weren't really all that big a problem anyway. . .
What this man is talking about is something we call spiritual responsiveness. Spiritual
responsiveness is what makes you want the next higher level. It is quite literally
responding to what God has given to you. Some people respond and some people react.
Which are you?
Other words for reactiveness are: annoyance, anger, fear, uncertainty, lack of
understanding, being "thrown" by something, unwillingness to see something for
what it is, trying to figure it out, and wanting it to go away. Then you have
Here's a little quote by Meher Baba
about responsiveness:
Love is essentially self-communicative; those who do not have
it catch it from those who have it. Those who receive love from others cannot be its
recipients without giving a response which, in itself, is the nature of love. True love is
unconquerable and irresistible. It goes on gathering power and spreading itself until
eventually it transforms everyone it touches.
What Baba has said here is another way of talking about spiritual responsiveness. Love
spreads from person to person. Like a brush fire on a dry day. Real love is very difficult
to contain. And very hard not to respond to.
You want people to respond to you?
Love them. |