Interviewed for The Comprehensive Version by Barb Retson
Author, Chicken
Soup for the Soul at Work
Managing partner, Taos Massage & Wellness Center
Advisor, Global Family www.globalfamily.net
Taos, NM
Tim Clauss is a peace activist, business
educator, seminar leader, and gifted spiritual counselor. Tim has been a professional
organizer for 20 years. His clients have included corporations, hospitals, entrepreneurs,
non-profit organizations, and a U.S. vice-presidential campaign. As vice president and
seminar leader of a Chicago-based management firm, Tim co-authored trainings entitled The
Success Factor, Managing for Extraordinary Results, and Creativity and
Cooperation for the 1990s. In addition to his consulting work, he teaches business at
local natural healing schools. I met Tim at a book signing of his recent work Chicken
Soup for the Soul at Work. Tim is a gift to be around, a natural healer and joyous
Harmonic master. - Barb Retson
Tim's book