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The Way of Immunity
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Cure Show Hotline Outline

Shoot for 15 minutes, and really try to keep it under half an hour.

Some things to not necessarily do:

  1. Invite them to call back later to do another hotline.
  2. Find out a lot of information about them or their condition.
  3. Go all the way to curing their disease on the air, or finding the cure -- cures require homework.

How to train people right when they call the Cure Show Hotline:

Find out if they can test. If they already know how to test, ASK THEM TO TELL YOU ALL THE THINGS THEY CURED WITH IT before beginning.

All the people helping the caller should introduce themselves by name and say some of the main things they cured in a sentence or two -- not more than 15 seconds per person.

If they can't test, show them how, using the basic "finger wiggle" method -- and energy or a tingling is OK too -- and using the phrase:

I'm now connecting to my own power to immunize myself.

If they know how to test already, or once you've done that:

Find out if they printed out the List Of Pathologies and the List Of Bodies. If they haven't, tell them those are the basic things they'll need to work with after the show, and to print them immediately after they hang up.

Then use your printouts of those lists to do the following with them:

Test through the pathologies by group.

When they get yes on a group test through the group to find a pathology.

Then remove the pathology without finding out which bodies it's in. After they removed it, retest for the pathology by going through the Bodies one by one.

If they have those lists printed out,

they can test through them themselves by running their finger down the list, in which case they can skip the part about finding the group -- their finger will open on a specific pathology. First remove the pathology, and then have them test through the bodies for it as above. Do 5-10 minutes of this.

Then test through the bodies for the disease or problem they came into cure. If they find any, remove it. If they don't, wonderful! You have the result.

Then test other things that might help them. DO NOT MAKE SUGGESTIONS. Have them find things by testing tell them to.

Once you've done all that, if you still have suggestions, you can make them. Suggestions must be easily doable and harmless. Emphasize that even if they test that what you're suggesting won't help them, they might try it anyway -- that's the nature of a suggestion, it's something you try.

Ask them to help:

  1. Tell them to help themselves on the level they're capable of doing so. The number one self-help suggestion for anybody with a disease is to join the immunicsBuddies group about that disease, plus the Constant Immunics list.
  2. Tell them to help us at the level that they are capable of making the most difference -- for many people, that means becoming an Eradicator.   Don't allow people to volunteer their help in ways that are difficult for them to do and/or require assistance from us -- the ways they help must be things that they can execute immediately with the resources at their disposal.

Good closing questions (You don't have to ask all, or even any, of these.):

  • Did some of the answers I've gotten come from God? All? From angels? My spirit guide?
  • Do I know the cause of my disease?
  • Have I removed the cause?
  • Do I have anything in the way of achieving a complete cure?
  • Are there any substances that would accelerate my cure?
  • Is there anything I'm doing physically that is slowing down or interfering  with my cure?

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(pronounced "hum")

  Copyright © 1996 World Harmonic Unified Ministers
Revised 07/22/08