VIP -- Intro sections
The Way of Immunity
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VIP -- Intro sections

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Interaction about their mission

  • Introduce important guests in the direct address form -- talk to the VIP in a familiar and loving way, about your marvelous personal relationship with her that has happened through various unwitting contributions she has made to you over the time you've been studying her and admiring.
  • It’s great when more than one person chimes in, telling the person why they love her.  Speak across each other.

Part 1

blsprl.gif (820 bytes) Also ask:

  1. Where she's phoning in from
  2. Do you have any time constraints? OR Do you have anything scheduled after this in case we need to go longer?
  3. What she wants to cure (get exact wording) - any symptoms now?
  4. What are the other things you do for your immune system-- other disciplines, healing approaches she has studied?  (Repeat question until she tells you all of them.)

Part 2

Do you have a short, one- or two-sentence `prayer that you say frequently?

Would you mind saying it now -- we would like to hear it? (Get their feeling about religion/religious commitments they already have) We're the kind of religion that supports other religions.

Part 3

Why did you choose to do the Cure Show?

Part 4

I'll tell you why we asked you to be on the show:

  • Will some of the Cure team tell (guest) why you feel her presence here will help us?
  • Anybody: call out.

The gist of what we want to say to you is this:

  1.  You are a person who can inform the world that immunics exists in ways that are not available to our other colleagues. Right now, just because you come in that way, you can save literally millions of lives that we are simply unable to -- we have not yet become connected to the global wiring system through which this power can be transmitted so easily:  Immunics is made to be taught on the air -- that's how God created it. A five-year-old can learn it from a radio broadcast. African children could conceivably learn it tomorrow and stop viral infections with it.
  2. And this show will begin that. Your name alone will cause awareness in people we could never reach any other way. True of everybody we have on the show to some extent --true on a staggeringly large-scale with you. And this is why we asked you to be here. Because this show is a step, another step, in that direction.

Part 5 -- optional -- don't do when obvious

Did you already know, before you ever heard of us, that people can kill viruses intentionally? Intentionally prevent or cure cancer?

  • If yes, Please describe what you already knew about how they would go about doing that?
  • Have you done some things about these things?
  • If yes, what?
  • Now you're about to learn how to do those things.



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(pronounced "hum")

  Copyright © 1996 World Harmonic Unified Ministers
Revised 07/22/08