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Class strategy points

The signal, at the beginning, is everything.

Don't take questions (very important).
  • Invite questioners to ask again after class.
  • At no point in the class should you allow questions, but as you have them discussing in small groups you can offer to help if anyone needs something -- invite them to raise their hand and when they do go over.

Connect the group once for a minute or two and then ask all the people who succeeded to stand. Those who felt something remain standing and the ones who didn't to sit down. Then ask the people who who felt something, one by one, to describe what happened for them.  

  • This creates a smashing wow.
  • Do this in cycles with each successive immunic action, so that everyone who isn't succeeding keeps seeing more and more people succeed, and get more and more profound results.
    This is a dramatic way to do the class that produces the most people learning, though a few may not start getting signals by the end.

The objective of the class is for everyone to get signal -- don't try for cures, but use getting cures as a way further of showing them -- having them practice getting signals.

And remember:

  • You're there to tell people that they can cure things -- that's what the signs do.
  • Don't do anything you don't enjoy.
  • Printing out explanations from the Web just throws people right into their heads.
  • Don't give lists, like the list of bodies or the list of pathologies, as handouts. They inspire questions, but not curing.
  • Put first things first.  It's a lot more certain that people will cure things when they become members.

Street class outline

decorative graphic W H U M
(pronounced "hum")

Copyright © 1996 World Harmonic Unified Ministers
Revised 07/22/08