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CureShows on depression  

   Co-factors in depression

The following lists are not meant to be complete.  We have given you some starting points intended to spur your own inquiries into curing depression.  


(Webster)  1) a state of feeling sad; dejection; 2) a psychoneurotic or psychotic disorder marked especially by sadness, inactivity, difficulty in thinking and concentration, a significant increase or decrease in appetite and time spent sleeping, feelings of dejection and hopelessness, and sometimes suicidal tendencies; 3) a reduction in activity, amount, quality, or force; 4) a lowering of vitality or functional activity
(Random House) Pathological: a low state of vital powers or functional activity

The National Institute of Mental Health states that "in any given one-year period, 9.5 percent of the population, or about 20.9 million American adults, suffer from a depressive illness. . . .  Depressive illnesses cause pain and suffering not only to those who have a disorder, but also to those who care about them. Most people with a depressive illness do not seek treatment, although the great majority, even those whose depression is extremely severe, can be helped. [There are] steps that may save your own or someone else's life."

According to the NIMH, the most common types of depression are major depression (a combination of symptoms interfering with the ability to do or enjoy once pleasurable activities, occurring once or several times in a lifetime); dysthymia (less severe, long-term, chronic symptoms that do not disable but keep one from functioning well or from feeling good), and bipolar disorder.

Co-factors -- some factors that can trigger depression or cause us to be susceptible to depression:*

  1. Addictions and addiction-related problems
  2. Aging
  3. Behavioral patterns that are "caught" from other family members   
  4. Childbirth
  5. Chronic fatigue
  6. Death or loss of a loved one    
  7. Disappointments
  8. DNA codes or damage
  9. Energy dysfunctions
  10. Functional problems
  11. Lack of physical exercise (many of us have found that doing some kind of exercise every day was the key factor in curing our depression)
  12. Loneliness
  13. Medication side effects
  14. Menopause
  15. Microbial flarueps
  16. Non-physical pathologies
  17. Organ problems - especially gall bladder, small intestine, lung, pituitary
  18. Physical illness, injury, disease, or medical condition
  19. PMS
  20. Substance excess, deficiency, or imbalance (hormonal, environmental, nutritional, etc.)
  21. Substance (drug, alcohol) use
  22. Trauma
  23. Unrelieved stress

(NOTE: Any life event, change, or urgent situation can trigger depression)  

* If you are or have been subject to depression, test through the above list to find factors you may not have suspected were related to your depression. 

Some lessons that are relevant to curing depression:

Other than addressing depression specifically by removing it, and the tendencies toward or precursors to it, from each body, the main action is the Basic All-Body Removal.

Additional lessons and actions to test through -- some or all of these might be specific for you:

Also relevant:

Hear others curing depression and related conditions in the Cure Show -- and follow along with what they do

  Copyright © 1996 World Harmonic Unified Ministers
Revised 03/18/10