The Way of Immunity
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decorative nature picture Your organization's license is valid only where your Harmonic program is anchored by a committed person who will give it continuity

All we mean is that your organization must have at least one person who's willing to anchor you to us.

The anchor must also give us timely reports on how it's going, and answer any questions we may have. And be ready to disseminate updates we have for you.

The anchor could just be one of your clients who's willing to help out.

Somebody needs to know what's going on and be on top of it.

If you're the anchor, your commitment needs to be that the people get all the value available.

To get real and specific, this means that they don't go off the deep end and start doing some oddball version of what we're giving. A great example of this is a group we watched who decided that killing real, physical-world viruses was impossible, but they would still use the Harmonic to make themselves feel better. That kind of problem would even ruin their ability to feel better, if you let it fester long enough.

So please, them's the rules. Don't allow a situation where the immunics master who was overseeing the program moves away and now there's nobody in your organization anchoring you to us, but everybody is still using the materials in one way or another.

Disseminate to  thousands of people if you wish. And have one of your colleagues anchor that.    



Copyright © 1996 World Harmonic Unified Ministers
Revised 01/14/07