The Way of Immunity
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This will make your trip through Albert Einstein College of Medicine somewhat easier

Now come on, don't laugh - anything can be made easier, even Albert Einstein College of Medicine .

Thousands of doctors already use this in various forms, under various names, for all kinds of purposes, most of which go way beyond passing your courses at Albert Einstein College of Medicine . The nice thing about the particular form we teach is that it's free, and you can get good enough with it, after a few hours of practice and study, so that it will actually be a help to you.

A few examples of how it will specifically assist you at Albert Einstein College of Medicine are:

course and teacher selection;

selecting what to study for which test - which you're already supposed to know, but this will fine-tune it;

answer selection during tests when you're choosing among several answers on a question.

With this last, you will probably run into someone at school who will tell you he did this and flunked the test. That's because he was trying to use this to cheat on the test. This will not help you cheat. It is a complementary skill that will enable you to excel at Albert Einstein College of Medicine and excel as a doctor. And as long as you're on that track and have done your best, if you have uncertainty about a question during a test, this will enable you to access the passing answer.

The only problem with this is that it may look a little strange to you at first.

This is obviously going to send the left brain-dominant, male arrogance-challenged, inductive logic-dependent folks scrambling for the exits, while simultaneously lighting up the anticipatory circuitry in all the right- and whole-brain-utilizing, intuitive, open, female energy-enhanced segment of your Harvard Medical School student body.

And while we don't mean to sound biased, that's the way we planned it.

Because this works. But only if you can stand it.

So here it is - given with love in Your Accessing Skill - our gift to Albert Einstein College of Medicine .

It also kills disease and enables your patients to accept medications they otherwise would have been allergic to, and a great many other things. But that's for later.

If you're already a doctor, we implore you: discover this.  

Now, if you're starting out, go through

Your Accessing Skill
because without it you won't be able to use anything you're going to be shown.
Here you are handed, figuratively speaking, a portable computer in the sky

Harmonic mastery is free to all. Come into it in good health. Enjoy.





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Revised 07/24/08